Internasjonale Risk Management Institusjoner



Praktisk Enterprise Risk Management(ERM)

Helhetlig og Integrert RisikoLedelse(HIRL) = ERM


Kunnskapskilden – ERM-Lenker







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Her er noen portaler til engelske ressurser innen området Enterprise Risk Management og risk management.




Her får du svar på de vanligste spørsmålene organisasjoner har når det gjelder Enterprise Risk Management.



Kunnskapskilden ERM-Lenker

Internasjonale Risk Management Institusjoner





Her er noen portaler til norske og engelske ressurser innen området Enterprise Risk Management.




nokia_y_150  Internasjonale Risk Management Institusjoner

Alvimann_150   Offentlige

alarmClockB005_150   Private

alarmClock008_150   Revisjonsselskap og foreninger

21_14_150   Standardiseringsorganer

DSCF1475_150   Systemleverandører

Diskette__8_150  Andre



Internasjonale Risk Management Institusjoner




Ulike internasjonal Risk Management institusjoner arbeider med å legge til rette for håndtering av risiki og muligheter.

Her er noen av disse.


American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM)
ASHRM initiatives focus on developing and implementing safe and effective patient care practices, the preservation of financial resources and the maintenance of safe working environments.
Association of Insurance and Risk Managers (AIRMIC)
AIRMIC has a membership of nearly 850 and represents the insurance buyers for about 75% of the FTSE 100, as well as very substantial representation in the mid 250 and other smaller companies.  AIRMIC members control about £5 billion annually of insurance premium spend.
European Crisis Management Academy (ecMa)
The European Crisis Management Academy (ECMA) is an international research consortium that serves crisis managers and academics
Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA)
FERMA exists to widen and raise the culture of Risk Management throughout Europe to its members and to the risk management and insurance community.
Institute of Risk Management (IRM)
The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) is risk management’s leading international professional education and training body. The Institute provides high quality education, training and professional development in risk management at a range of levels, from introductory to expert.
National Forum for Risk Management in the Public Sector (ALARM)
Alarm, the public risk management association, has around 1800 members in the risk, insurance, finance, audit, health & safety, emergency planning and business continuity professions. Members are drawn from a wide range of public service organisations, including national and local government, health, housing, education, police and fire & rescue services.
Nonprofit Risk Management Center (NRMC)
The NRMC staff answer your frequently asked questions
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developement (OECD)
OECD brings together the governments of countries committed to democracy and the  market economy from around the world to:            • Support sustainable economic growth
• Boost employment
• Raise living standards
• Maintain financial stability
• Assist other countries’ economic development
• Contribute to growth in world trad
Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA)
Professional Risk Managers’ International Association — A Higher Standard For Risk
Public Agency Risk Managers Association (PARMA)
The Public Agency Risk Managers Association is a forum promoting, developing and advancing education and leadership in public agency risk management. PARMA is dedicated to facilitating the exchange of ideas and innovative solutions toward risk management in government.
Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI)
PERI is a nonprofit research institute that develops risk management education and training resources for local governments, school districts
Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA)
Member based organization which is dedicated to providing practical education, training, and information for public sector risk management practitioners.
Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
Not-for-profit professional international association. Provides a career center, educational courses, annual conference, discussion groups etc.
Risk Management Association (RMA)
Helping Financial Institutions Manage Risk Enterprise-Wide. In today’s world, managing risk has become a necessity, not an option. The Risk Management Association (RMA), a member-driven professional association, helps banking and nonbanking institutions identify and manage the impacts of credit risk, operational risk, and market risk on their businesses and customers.
Risk Management Resource Center (RMRC)
Ambit ERisk is the leading provider of integrated risk solutions for the financial services industry that enable organizations to enhance their performance through better risk and capital management. ERisk’s solutions include economic capital analytics, operational risk systems, risk and technical consulting, and executive-level workshops and briefings.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
The Society for Risk Analysis is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk, in the context of risks of concern to individuals, to public and private sector organizations, and to society at a local, regional, national, or global level.





Vår ERM-modell/ Vårt ERM-system/ Vårt ERM-rammeverk i tråd med ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines 

Kursguidene A og B




Guide A Bakgrunn, behov, ERM-systemet og – prosesser
Antall sider: 322 inklusiv 57 sider vedlegg

Guide B Gjennomføring og praktisk iverksettelse

Antall sider: 258 inklusiv 152 sider vedlegg



Kursguidene kan bestilles fra
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Guide A: Kr. 430
322 rikt illustrerte A4-sider,
hvorav 57 siders vedlegg
Guide B: Kr. 480
258 rikt illustrerte A4-sider ,
hvorav 152 siders vedlegg



Hvis du har noen spørsmål eller ønsker å vite mer om kursguidene Praktisk Enterprise Management (ERM) kan du bruke kontaktmulighetene nedenfor:


ORG.NR: 977 505 992

Jan Vig
Daglig leder

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Mobile : +47 414 43 727
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